Box for candle remnants set up in the library


A collection box for the candle leftovers is placed at the main entrance of the university library, The remnants are used by the volunteers who will make trench candles for the Ukrainian defenders.

Triin Soomets, the initiator of the project, stated that all candles and candle remnants that people no longer need are welcome. The collected remnants will be used to create trench candles, on which one can cook when there is no electricity, providing warmth to hands during the current cold weather.

The candle remnants collection box is located between the main entrance doors and it is accessible during the library's opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm, and Saturday-Sunday from 12 pm to 6 pm.

Let's contribute to Ukraine's victory!

Additional information:
Herdis Olmaru
Communication Manager of UT Library
737 5749



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